Love From Above from the Sibling Spirit Guides

The Power of Calling on those Above!

The Sibling Spirit Guides Season 1 Episode 10

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The Sibling Spirit Guides message this week urges you to call on those above for daily assistance with life.  While helpful beings like archangels, higher consciousnesses, and spirit guides are ready to assist, they need to be called upon!

Here's how you can connect:

  • Simple Call-to-Action: Start your day by inviting their help, like calling on your spirit guides or ancestors to assist you which sets the tone for positive experiences.  Example prayers are provided.  
  • Merkaba Activation: This practice is said to activate your light body and align you with your purpose. There are meditations available by Drunvalo Melchizedek and Maureen St. Germain on Spotify or YouTube to help you with this.

By actively seeking connections and practices like Merkaba activation, you can accelerate your spiritual growth and contribute to a more positive world.  Please contact us at with any questions or comments.