Love From Above from the Sibling Spirit Guides
Tune in for Love From Above: Where the Otherworldly Gets Down-to-Earth
Join the Sibling Spirit Guides on their weekly podcast, Love From Above, where they bridge the gap between the celestial and the everyday. Each episode explores topics from their unique channeling sessions, unlocking information and perspectives not found in your average self-help manual. Expect:
- Unfiltered wisdom from higher dimensional beings, delivered with a dose of down-to-earth practicality.
- Intriguing topics covering relationships, purpose, health, and the mysteries of the universe.
- Honest, relatable discussions that break down complex concepts into actionable steps.
- A healthy dose of humor and warmth makes your spiritual journey enlightening and enjoyable.
Love From Above from the Sibling Spirit Guides
New Technological Revolution!
Have you ever felt the pull of the stars whispering secrets of a brighter future? Join us, the Sibling Spirit Guides, as we venture into the realm of groundbreaking communication technologies inspired by the wisdom of star beings and legendary entities. We're on the brink of a technological revolution that could redefine how we connect with our celestial counterparts, much like the telegraph revolutionized communication in its day. We explore the promise of these devices to bridge the gap between earth and the cosmos, enveloping us all in a more tangible sensation of cosmic love. The Watchers lend their perspective, reminding us that while technology can challenge our spiritual core, it also enriches our ability to visualize and explore the vastness of other worlds.
Our journey continues as we navigate the path to aligning with our soul's true calling, confronting fears that hold us back from our destined evolution. Through personal stories, we reveal how embracing change and listening to our intuitive guides have shaped our lives, encouraging a balance between essential and optional actions. Discover how angelic light forces, akin to the fairies of lore, partner with us to relieve the earth of its burdens, urging us to recognize the interconnectedness of all energies. Tune in for a blend of insight, cosmic connection, and empowerment, as we share the tools to embark on your journey towards love from above.
Hello everybody, this is Love From Above, with your Sibling Spirit Guides. I'm Maureen and this is my brother.
Speaker 2:Hey, maureen, hey everyone, this is Brian.
Speaker 1:Gosh, we're so happy to be here, if you can believe it. On this podcast, we share daily channelings. We receive from star beings ascended Mythical Beans who really exist, and, occasionally, our ancestors, and today's topic is a technological revolution. We're not talking about your new iPhone here. Actually, this is really exciting. I think this is the word revolution, brian is overused, but this is really revolutionary, do you agree?
Speaker 2:I totally agree.
Speaker 1:Yeah, yeah, I'm very excited so yeah, you want to do it, um, so this was recently.
Speaker 2:This is from november 29th this year says who are we? We are but one who serves the many devoted to our beloved originator. We hail from a planet within your galaxy, though the distance between our homelands is vast. Our cursory tour of this own unknown um, I'm sorry this part of the galaxy has brought us to your tender, loving soul. We wish for the brother to listen closely to this message. He is the one we wish to converse with. His knowledge of technology is admirable in our circles. We we are close to assuming the rightful position.
Speaker 2:The brother can discover new ways to connect with star beings like us. The sister uses an often used modality on this planet. However, it is racked with complicated disabilities. With the technology available to the brother, he can magnify his own connection to connect with the greater whole. These devices shall soon be available, which will augment the individual person's ability to connect to the stars. It's likened to the introduction of the your telegraph. Now, only a few are available to communicate with their heavenly brethren. Soon, all will be able to talk and learn from those above. This shall be indeed revolutionary for your planet. We invite the brother to be at the forefront of this technology revolution, uh, this shall be exciting time for those who regard earth as their home planet. So yeah, I say, bring it on, I'm ready to uh connect. So it's you know I'm excited. I don't know when it's going to happen, but I'm definitely eager for it to happen.
Speaker 1:And, honestly, this really is revolutionary. So think about it. Like you know, for me to connect, I have to wait for the signal. I have to be in the proper position For those of you listening. The proper position is laying supine with my, you know, with everything relaxed, my feet uncrossed, my hands open, my head tilted up. They always say the head has to be tilted up so they can access my vocal cords. So yeah, um, so this is this. Is you know, if everybody can kind of just tune into the guidance from above like, oh my God, imagine that world, brian. Imagine that world. It changes everything.
Speaker 2:Yeah, it's really interesting. I don't know when it's going to happen, but I am super excited that this. You know, as they mentioned, it is going to come up and um, so keep, keep tuned and we'll let you know more when we find out anything more on that. But that that, I thought that definitely had to share that one because it was so exciting yeah, and you know I've read so many books.
Speaker 1:You know, back in the day before the telegraph, you know letter writing was a big thing and it would take like weeks or months depending on where you were, the distance between them and, and so you think about before that, like how the communication was on the planet. And yeah, again, it's just it's going to be a momentous change for everybody. So I'm really excited and you know what again I go to like the biggest benefit from one of the biggest. How can you take one? But one of the biggest benefits is knowing that, like, I'm never alone. There's always people like at the end of every session, pretty much everyone's like we're always here for you, we surround you with love and you know, imagine if everyone like truly not only knew that like on a certain level, but really felt it. Yeah, I just, I just think that that would really be a beautiful benefit for everybody living on this planet.
Speaker 2:Not only that, but then you know these are such advanced beings. I mean they're just Not only that, but then you know these are such advanced beings, I mean they're just, you know, any type of issue that you're facing, I mean they can definitely help. So it's going to be really interesting.
Speaker 1:So I'm looking forward to finding out more about this. Yeah, it's very, very exciting. So then, to continue on with the topic of technology, this is from another session very recently, just three days ago, from our good friends the Watchers, and you know it's funny, brian, they always go through this at the beginning. We are no because they say we are. We are the watchers. We are known as the watchers. We watch over all of humanity. This is our task. From the one creator, we liken humanity's new turn to a newly manufactured being.
Speaker 1:The residue elements of this humanic form differs greatly from the original version. Presently, you possess more capabilities to devolve quickly into other worlds. You may be bemoaned the technology's ability to enrapture your soul. However, these numerous practice sessions allow the individual soul to visualize other worlds in a way that was not previously possible. We digress. So what they're talking about is like, just, I guess, like the phone movies, all this immersive technology that's available now, like it really helps you to be able to like, if you want to say I'm traveling and I'm planning a trip to Mongolia, like I can, you know, I can look up what Mongolia looks like and look at inside the hotel that I want to stay in, and so it really helps with visualization. What do you think about that, brother?
Speaker 2:Yeah, this is. It's sort of interesting because we've heard from a lot of sort of star beings or channelings about how people are too obsessed with their phones. I think that still is the case, but this is, one positive aspect of the technology is that it does allow you to really access, like they said, and visualize other worlds. So I think that is true. It is. You know, it's something that is, I guess, a positive aspect of everyone being glued to their phones, but it's something that has never come up before. But I like that. I think it's true. I think there, like you said, you can even on Google earth right, go to anywhere in the world and check it out. So it's pretty interesting.
Speaker 1:Yeah. So they go on to say we wish to come upon the brother-sister pair to align the central core of these beings with the ultimate purpose of the one creator. Yes, please, date. If you apply these practices to their lives, it's like knowing the direction you're headed to on your journey. Choose wisely and you shall live harmoniously. How does one choose which direction to go? That answer is easy. The pull, the tug, the draw from your heart center reveals the true nature of your beloved destination. This part I found really interesting, they said.
Speaker 1:However, sometimes the impetus and where you should be going is so different from the place you begin, the feeling is of fear. These feelings must be overcome to head in the true direction of your soul's calling. Isn't that true? You know like you feel the tug and you're like I don't know about that, right? Yeah, the most recent one for me is I traveled the world together with a partner for three years and then I was living very happily in Florida and I just kept on getting the message like it's time to go, it's time to go, it's time to go. And I'm like, say what? By myself, I really like my place, I like my friends, I like my life, and I just kept on getting the message, the message, the message. I had to overcome some feelings of fear to get on the road, and boy, that was in 2019. Everything works out, but yeah, um, but so isn't that interesting. We know which direction we're supposed to go. Yeah, we just have to follow our heart yep, exactly yeah yeah, so then, yeah, they go on.
Speaker 2:They, um, you know so. So we, we talked about this, but it's also it goes on to to say how to know the difference you already know if you tune in with the center of yourself between something that must be done and should be done. You must sleep every night. You maybe should clean out your closet. The first is an absolute requirement for sustaining the physical frame. The second is optional, to provide you with an additional impetus to keep an uncluttered space. However, without completing it, your physical body does not come into harm. So to say, you don't do something. That's, on your soul's journey, like taking a new job.
Speaker 2:Accepting a date from a new partner is that truly life-threatening? Accepting a date from a new partner Is that truly life-threatening? Not in the way that it would end your life, but perhaps take you away from the plan that was originally created. However, never fear, should you not accept the initial challenge, other opportunities will burst forth. It's like trying to suppress a shoot from emerging from the ground. If you stomp out one location, the roots will seek another way to emerge into the planet. So that is again. I love their analogies, but, like you said, there's all these different opportunities. If you pass on one opportunity, there's going to be other opportunities bursting forth. So that's a great way to put it. I thought. What do you think?
Speaker 1:Yeah, and you know, I know that in my life and that's a positive way to spin it because how I've always felt like it's like okay. So take that example, like I was getting the sign to go back on the road and travel example, like I was getting the sign to go back on the road and travel. And I just know that like if I don't, if I don't do it like I always say, like the first time it's like an invitation, the second time it's a push.
Speaker 1:You know, what I mean it's it's gotta come, you're gonna go on that road. So it's do you want to accept the invitation or do you want to go another way? Like, for example, like for a long time I used to have to. They told me I was a pillar to bring energy into the new earth, and I still occasionally have these days where I would just literally rest and I'd be hovering between worlds. I called them my floaty floaty days, and one time I was in Washington DC and I didn't want to rest.
Speaker 1:I wanted to ride a bike around the city and do all this stuff, and and then I ended up getting a migraine headache and they were like, ok, we need you to do this. So either we're going to give you a headache and put you in bed so you can rest, or you're just going to enjoy floating between worlds. So yeah, I love their analogy. So that's a positive way to kind of say you know you're going to go, it's going to emerge. The opportunity is going to come again if fear blocks you the first time.
Speaker 2:Right, exactly. And then so they go on to say we shall converse with another and speak on their behalf. We are the ones known as the light forces. It is the angelic light forces, um, so I don't think we've heard from them before, maureen. So I get another new one, but it says we're like into the fairies. We're like, we're like into the fairy realms.
Speaker 2:We come forth now as we see an opportunity to speak with one who shall understand our true nature. We do so love to dance and sing. We're coming to you from the depths of the planet. We merely like to emerge on the surfaces for your noises and discordant to our ears, I don't know. It says you may see us upon in places remote from the winds of your technology or technology devices. Whether below the ground or above, it makes no difference. Our presence is to alleviate the harmful conditions on the planet. In this way we are a filter for our dearest, beloved mother. So we cleared the discordant strains that tug upon her, weighing her down in a displeasing way. So we were once part of our energetic tribe that flew upon the heavenly skies. In this way, we remember a fallen brother or fallen sister.
Speaker 2:The air above the planet is currently switching directions which can cause troublesome nodes to penetrate into the astral portals. We move swiftly to prevent the blockages which would block these important gateways to the ethereal realms. You may help us by visualizing these gateways as always being clear and open. Many travelers do wander upon these important signposts to enter your beloved planet. We shall be guardians for your gentle, loving nature. All is well, rest assured. And so what do you think of that? There's a lot to unpack here. There are guardians of you know, making sure that these discordant vibes or whatever are not blocking the portals, and things like that. I don't really understand all this, but you know, it sounds, sounds good to me. What would you, maybe more what they're saying?
Speaker 1:I you know they sound like fairies because I love love to dance and sing, or the good people is, I guess, the preferred term for the fairies. But yeah, it's interesting and I believe that's what the purpose of the good people or the fairies is is to kind of like energetically clean the planet is is to kind of like energetically clean the planet. But yeah, this whole thing about portals, that they're preventing blockages from the portals and many people are using these portals Again, this is just like a world that we're not even familiar, like who knew? I mean, who knew there were. I guess it makes sense that they're portals and they've talked about portals before. But you know, again I go to our news, which doesn't cover any, you know, any stuff that's really newsworthy, like that. Would that would be newsworthy, though you know the portal is blocked, but so, yeah, it's just more information from new beings, I don't know. It's kind of overwhelming. What do you think?
Speaker 2:Yeah, it is really interesting. You know, I know they exist and that sort of stuff is going on. I'm just not, you know, like most people are just not aware of it, but it's again. We know. There's so many entities and beings that are here to help in this transition that we're going through, and so it's. It's just interesting to learn some more nuances about some other things that are going on that we're not aware about.
Speaker 1:But yeah, yeah, so I'll go into the closing which you pulled from you. You finally finished this book, right?
Speaker 2:This is a book that I did, Well, the first volume, I think there's like five or six volumes, but yeah and I just started it.
Speaker 1:It is on Audible but for those who are listening, I mean you've got a lot of significant information about this book. It's called the Shift to the Fifth Dimension, volume 1, the Arcturian Council by Daniel Scranton. Do you want to say anything more about this book?
Speaker 2:Well, I mean, it's similar. There's a lot of similarities. I mean, Daniel Scranton just channels this consistently this Arcturian Council. What's interesting, we've channeled, or you've channeled them and we've talked to them in the past, but you know, we've tended to talk to all sorts of different entities. But I just think it's there's a lot of similarities between the message that's in that book and the messages that you know we're getting, so I can definitely relate to them and so I think there's a lot of good information, those books. I recommend it. But, um, yeah, I want you to talk about what they said about the technology okay.
Speaker 1:So they said, this technology is the upgrade that will enable you to see all, to see interdimensionally. Oh my gosh, imagine that this means that you're getting yourselves ready to complete your shift. When you can see interdimensionally, you are able to exist in one dimension and know what is happening in another dimension. You have this ability now, but few of you very few, very, very few have activated your use of it. There are a few advanced beings on your planet, as you know, who are not known about by the media and who are doing a wonderful job of holding the frequency of the fifth dimension for all of you. These are beings who live in the mountains of South America. That is as much information as we can give. They are capable of seeing interdimensionally. Now. They will continue to test out this technology for humanity until you are ready to use it, and not all of you may be ready at the same moment. Most individuals will wait until after the shift has been completed, but some of you lucky ones, will be able to use it now.
Speaker 1:You, lucky ones for receiving this message, know who you are and know that you exist in a fifth dimensional frequency state. You know where those beings are, brother. They're in the Andes, at the Kundalini of the earth. Yeah, yeah, so our beloved Drunvalo Macasiak Brian, we have not mentioned him in probably 20, usually every episode we mentioned Drunvalo, but anyway he says the Kundalini of the earth. Just like we have a Kundalini for our body, the Kundalini of the earth is now in the Andes. And let me tell you, I've been there and I agree, and I actually I think I know my friend Rosemary must be one of these people who are holding down the frequency of the fifth dimension. So it's interesting that I know somebody who's, I think, doing this. So what are your thoughts.
Speaker 2:Yeah, very cool. Well, yeah, it's just another other thing. So everyone talks about you know, you know technology on earth, but there's all sorts of other technology that's going to be coming out that's going to, you know, like this, give us ability to see interdimensionally. So I'm, I'm for all of it. So I can't wait, exciting times to be incarnated on earth. So very exciting.
Speaker 1:Yeah, and we did want to end. We we heard from a listener in Boston who had a question about an app that we had recommended at a previous session, and that was the Global Coherence app that I use every daily and it's an app to help with brain-heart coherence. Do you want to add anything about the Global Heart Coherence app?
Speaker 2:No, yeah, we both use it. I actually have the sensor and then I have this HeartMath app. It's the same thing, but I bought the sensor and then it works to align and track your coherence between your heart and your mind. But there's a couple books by the heart math institute that talk to all the benefits of this and so, yeah, I definitely recommend this. But thanks for the listener for reaching out, and then, yeah, I'm gonna also try and up the game here and try and make sure, when we reference things like that, put it in the show notes.
Speaker 2:Um, if you use apple or I, you know the apple podcast app they do automatically transcribe the, the sessions. But I will also add more details and reference. You know books that we talk about and link to them as well as, um, you know you know apps, like we mentioned, to try and make sure we cover that stuff for the anytime moving forward. But thanks for the uh reaching out. Unfortunately, the way it's set up in this it's we can't respond back, so I it's sort of one way, but it is a way. If you do want to comment there, um, you can always do love from the love from above podcast at gmailcom or right from your podcast app. There's a way to send a text or, you know, send a message, um, and then we can get the feedback. So either way works and that's it. So that's works, and that's it.
Speaker 1:So that's looking forward to speak to you next time. Anything else, maureen? Yeah, so next time we're going to be talking about, we've gotten specific um guidance with regards to meditation and mudras and positions you're doing, so hopefully that will help to elevate you all to the fifth dimension. Thanks so much for listening you.